Monday, November 30, 2009

Gorgeous Skin ~ Oceana's Hottt Tips

People consistently comment on my skin. They remark that I have hardly any wrinkles and my skin is beautiful. Thank you Peeps! I suck in compliments like a sponge and absorb as much pleasure as possible from each and every one. I highly recommend learning to receive a compliment, as it is a true gift to the giver.

That said, I have decided to divulge my “secrets” for beautiful skin. With a background in cosmetology, yoga, herbalism and aromatherapy…not to mention a mother who had a penchant for vitamin supplementation, I now give you the full monty on how I do it.

10 pointers from a tantric yogini that will keep your face dewy, fresh and lovely all winter:

1. Drink plenty of water daily and take your vitamins.

2. Never use really hot water on your face, only warm or cool. Your skin will retain its moisture better, and besides, hot water is just too harsh.

3. Eat your MUFA’s…monounsaturated fatty acids…flax seeds, avocado, olive oil, dark chocolate, evening primrose oil, cod liver oil, nuts and seeds. Nourish your skin from within and get healthier while you’re at it.

4. Retinol is the only stuff that has been proven to make a difference in diminishing lines and wrinkles over the counter. When you use it, be sure to use sunscreen as well to avoid burning this newly sensitive skin. You can purchase a retinol cream for about twenty bucks at the drugstore without a prescription.

5. Vitamin C is key for gorgeous skin. Find a vitamin C serum or cream and use it to continue to help the old skin cells fall away to reveal the fresh new skin underneath. You’ll be amazed after only a few weeks at how much fresher and vibrant your skin looks.

6. Once in a while, warm up some sesame oil after you’ve cleansed you face and gently massage in upward circular motions. Deeply moisturizing and detoxifying, and leaves your skin oh-so-soft. Also a great detox. Use the organic, untoasted sesame oil, or try virgin olive oil, apricot kernel oil, or avocado oil if you want varied moisturizing and vitamin effects.

7. Practice yoga. Your circulation will benefit, your body will detox naturally, and the relaxation will unfurl your brows, causing less wrinkles. Speaking of yoga, tantrikas know that a practice of self pleasure will keep your skin glowing and prolong your life. Continue to work with the chi, folks.

8. Do a weekly steam facial with herbs, a pot of boiled water, and a towel over your head. Follow with a mask from the kitchen. Avocado mashed with yogurt, or oatmeal or just mashed strawberries work well. Eggs make great facial masks if you apply yolk first, let dry, and then whites over it and let dry. My favorite one is honey with a drop of rose essential oil for intensive moisture. Honey is a natural humectant and your skin will be softer than you can imagine afterwards.

9. Sleeping Beauty was gorgeous cuz she slept so much. Get yourself enough beauty rest, darlings. Oh, and did I mention fresh air and sunshine? That too. Mother did know best.

10. Last but definitely not least, try out some of my seriously gorgeous facial elixirs and bask in the exquisite sensory experience…essential oils are my secret to young skin. Indulge in a special blend by me and put your best face forward!