Thursday, November 4, 2010

Connection As The New Trend

Women tend to seek intimacy in relationships because it’s how we are wired biologically. One of the most common complaints I hear from women is that they can’t seem to connect with their partners at a deep level that satisfies this longing enough. They tell me that all men want is sex, but they want the romance, the love, and the sensitivity to come first.
It all makes perfect sense that they are telling me this! Nature sure has a sense of humor when it comes to males and females. Men are wired to procreate first, find intimacy second. They will visually seek the hardiest, most physically appealing mate because it assures that our race will endure. Women actually have this instinct as well, but because they’re the ones who raise the offspring, historically, they are wired for relationship and bonding to ensure the community will assist them in this daunting endeavor. It really does take a village.
The tides are turning, however, and the age of a strong and healthy feminine essence is at hand. All over the world, women are beginning to feel a pull, an often uncanny urge towards the earth, their sisters, and their finally true purpose. Men are feeling it too, and my intuition tells me that it’s the feminine side of themselves they are hearing tap, tap, tap on their heart’s inner knowing.
The good news for all of us is that intimate connection is the newest and latest longing. Women may have always desired it, but in our age of screens, commercialism, domestication gone haywire, and media conditioning to violence as normal…it is the holes in our souls that everyone is longing to fill now. The crazy fear frenzy of the news channels, the overly caricatured hyped up sitcoms, and the fast and furious onslaught of material overload has proven not to fill this void. People are longing for one thing above all others, and that one thing is meaningful connection. It can be translated into spiritual fulfillment, a deep purpose that serves the higher good of humanity, and many other great words, but in my opinion it boils down to basic human connection.
We can find it by turning off the screens, sitting still in the quiet, refusing to answer the phone every single time it rings, and active listening, for starters. The gift of true connection is one that is unforgettable, and that impacts in a way that ripples in its healing effect. How many times have you felt truly and deeply heard? I venture to say that you remember those few times vividly as precious in your life.
A relationship is its own being, a unique energy body that needs feeding, attention, and love. To be in service to this relationship energy body is the best way that I know of to hone the art of commitment and growth…not very romantic stuff, but crucial to the creation of romance. In other words, we must build a foundation of connection, deep listening, commitment to growth, and commitment to the entity of the relationship to even begin to expect the next level of true and lasting romance to enter the picture.

The practice of connection in our intimate relationships requires complete and full attention to each other. It requires distraction free space, and a commitment to set aside our own agendas for the larger entity of the relationship. The best place to begin is with the tried and true exercise of taking turns being heard and listening, repeating back what you heard to each other verbatim. Eye gazing is another fabulous way to build intimacy and connection, and specifically gazing at each other’s left eyes works best, according to behavior specialists. Another thing to keep in mind is that women need romance first to feel a deep and romantic connection, and men need oxytocin from sex to feel a loving bond. This is a quandary indeed! I suggest some give and take here, and especially for women to begin to speak to what they need, find ways to relieve stress, and nurture themselves before trying to give more. Exquisite self care is crucial before a woman can relax into all that a man has to give her. Connection is multi-faceted, but it’s the foundation of what will heal our world, our relationships, and our lives. Of this I am convinced.