Saturday, January 30, 2010

Falling in Love With Your One Precious Body

You’re thinking that this is downright impossible, and you’re not even sure you want to anyway, right?! I hear you, sister. You and I have been programmed at a young age to view our bodies as shameful vessels of imperfection. Cross your legs like a lady, cover any natural body scent with artificial fragrances, and be nice are the messages we receive. Be polite, coy, and agreeable. Learn to cook and get a career to pay for everything. In fact, learn how to do everything so that any man you’re lucky enough to snag will be completely cared for, nurtured, and thrilled at how easily you cooperate and pop out a family for him while you bring home the bacon and craft it into a gourmet creation. No muss no fuss! Have I got your attention?

We women have private parts that are unmentionable. Most of us have never even seen them, and we sure as heck aren’t supposed to touch them. Many don’t know what’s where, what it’s for, or what it looks like. We’re actually afraid to look because we’ve gotten the message loud and clear that it’s abnormal, probably ugly and likely smelly. Spoken or unspoken, that’s the general pulse of our overly showered, disinfected, and perfumed culture.

Along with that message, we’re barraged with images of airbrushed, painted, and perfectly coiffed role models who can afford every type of medical enhancement invented, and have a team of stylists following them around. Not only are we ill equipped to compete, but we’re told that if we don’t emulate these icons, we are worthless and invisible. It’s depressing and deflating and invokes self loathing.

Before I lose you, I’m swinging into what you, the glorious and gorgeous creature that you truly are, can do about it! It would seem hopeless, but I have full faith in you because many of your sisters have already jumped on the bandwagon of the divine feminine revival recently. We have figured it out and are pioneering the exquisite landscape of self love with an exuberance that’s contagious. I am here to welcome you with open arms…please join us!

For the next few articles, follow me while I lay out a plan for not only working up the courage to look at that precious vehicle you were born into, but for falling in love with every single inch. For now, please begin by either putting on hand lotion or lip gloss each and every day. Find one silky or luxurious item to don often, just for the feel of it. Trust me. One baby step at a time, my beautiful creatures of divine femininity and miraculous good fortune…you landed here, didn’t you? You’re a genius!