Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The very first step towards having what you want is to learn the act of willingness. It takes a high level of intention to be a conscious creatrix of your reality. While on the path of learning to master your thoughts, your words, your actions, and your visualizations, it's important to learn how to navigate towards something better when you feel stuck.

I have seen people so firmly rooted in a fixed pattern at times that they cannot begin to see any possibility of change. They can't imagine anything better, or that the crisis they are in at that moment could have any solution whatsoever. It's as if they are so entrenched in the small, narrow view they're holding that they cannot see the forest for the trees.
The best course of action I have found to help is to introduce some "give" in their perspective. To relax a tiny bit, to allow a glimmer of light into the dark forest, or to have some small amount of slack in the rope that is binding them into knots of anxiety and stress...is the very best way to unravel the knot.

The question to ask is, "Would you be WILLING to have a solution present itself?" And of course, this willingness is usually just enough to give the universe an opening to work with. Simultaneously, it is harmless enough for someone to agree to be willing, rather than to commit to finding a solution. If you have to find it yourself, and you can't even imagine it ever getting better, how could you agree to that? You couldn't. BUT...you might be WILLING to agree that there MIGHT be a possibility that you don't know of.

Willingness is a crucial step in bringing possibilities of a brand new creation that our little minds cannot conceive of, but that the Divine Mind is aligning in perfect and elegant timing.

I leave you with today's lesson to consider. If you are stuck in a challenge, or you desire something so seemingly out of your realm of imagination, use the tool of willingness. Say to yourself, "I am willing to be open to a new possibility."