Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sensual Adventures with a Goddess

Promising you more ways to excavate the sensuality you were born with in an article is proving to be a challenge that will take a heap of imagination. I’m finding that it’s far easier to give someone an experience of their sensual inner goddess in person.

Since I’m not one to go back on my word, this series of articles is going to be as close as I can get to being with you where you are. I’m going to draw on personal experience, girlfriends. It’s you and me, sitting down to coffee, and dishing the real girl dirt. Brace yourself for some tantric, juicy lowdown…

Where it all begins is with childhood, the exploration of our bodies, the grass, the dirt, play dough…all the things we so instinctively touch and feel into as we gather up the deliciousness of where we’ve landed in a body. If you were one of the fortunate little girls, you were given free range and a smile to cover yourself with mud and try out some sand as an appetizer, squeeze your spaghetti between your fingers, and try out a yogurt hair treatment between mouthfuls. Alas, if you were brought up in a sanitized household, your caretaker wiped your hands relentlessly and scolded you for getting dirty. You learned that to be a good girl you had to stay clean, and thwart the inclination to be sensual with your world, climb trees with the boys, or run naked and free.

Let’s assume you were shamed or forbidden to touch your body, either by your parents or your church upbringing. While we’re at it, add in the cultural mentality that good girls are ladylike…crossing legs, being nice, and never expressing anger. With this message, is it any wonder that most of us are wounded into a madonna/whore internal split? I tell people that I’m here to bridge that divide. It’s not black and white, and you can be both horny and spiritual…and not only that, but you can be BOTH at the same time! In fact, I’m here to tell you that the problem with our world is the fact that we aren’t allowing ourselves to be honest that we are both, and that in striving so hard to repress one or the other is one of the major reasons we are at war internally and externally.

Our journey here is about opening the gates of sensual, healthy flow so that you can begin to merge the parts of yourself that have been carefully walled up. Those walls are precarious at best, and if your holy and frisky wild selves are kept imprisoned and estranged from each other, there will be internal spies in the night of
your heart, and victims of your sideways rage and repression strewn along your path…and you’ll continue to wonder why you’re unhappy, unfulfilled, and unable to control yourself.

That said, let us begin our healing of the sensual self whose newfound strength and presence will propel you into your rightful power. This week we are boldly diving into sensual empowerment work! Your first assignment is to find a time to be alone and a lock for your bedroom door. Make sure you will be undisturbed for a while, and that you set this time aside with the intention of doing some deep inner healing, nurturing of your soul, and setting things right with yourself.

First make sure you have a big mirror so that you can see yourself clearly, top to bottom. Bring along some delicious fruit or treats, something refreshing and yummy to drink, and perhaps some relaxing music and candles. This is your special, sacred time, so please create a beautiful atmosphere that is enjoyable.
Find something gorgeous and silky to wear that makes you feel lovely, sexy, and beautiful. If you don’t own something like this, then your assignment is to make a note to acquire an item that fits this description. No sensual woman goes without this!
For now, either wear your sensual item, or make it up out of something silky in your home…undress and drape it across yourself and feel the way it brushes across your skin.

You’re ready to sit in front of the mirror and indulge in the treats of sound, taste, texture, scents and sight of yourself. Bask in the texture and tastes of the fruit on the tip of your tongue, and sliding across your lips. Indulge in the splendor of the romantic music playing, and allow the wine to intoxicate your senses. Stroke your cheek as you would a beloved, and continue down your divinely elegant neck, savoring the magnificence of being in a body…a gorgeous, one of a kind female body.

Find five things that you absolutely love about your beautiful body. This is where it may get tricky. Some women say they cannot find anything, and some only one or two. Even if it’s the fact that you love that you have taste buds and they really work well, then that’s one thing to make note of. The way your wrist slopes so delicately towards your hand, or the fact that your belly held your baby so safely during your pregnancy…your hair falling against your face, or the little toe on your left foot. It doesn’t matter how insignificant it might seem to you. The work here is in acknowledging your amazing body and sensations in full view of yourself. And so our work begins!
Stay tuned for more adventures next time, and until then bask in the glorious world of sensations daily, my darlings!

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